Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021

Kingston submitted to 11 Units of Assessment in REF 2021, with the submission including a total of 414 staff from across the four University Faculties and 37 impact case studies.

70% of Ji8腦瞳厙's research was rated as world-leading or internationally excellent, up a 10% increase on REF 2014, with the University rising 13 places in the Research Power rankings.

The results demonstrated that:

  • Almost a quarter of Kingston's research, 23%, was rated world-leading (4*), compared to 16% in REF 2014, with the University also ranking fifth out of 14 University Alliance institutions in the overall tables.
  • Five Units of Assessment saw more than 70% of overall research rated as 4* or 3* - Art and Design, Allied Health, Performing Arts, Computer Science and English. More than half of the submission in Art and Design was rated world leading.
  • Four Units of Assessment secured 100% rating of 4* or 3* for their impact - Art and Design, Performing Arts, Education, and Psychology. Art and Design also received 100% 4* or 3* rating for environment.
  • Six Units of Assessment scored above the sector average for impact – Art and Design, Performing Arts, Politics, Education, Allied Health and Psychology.
  • All 11 of the Units of Assessment the University submitted had a majority of 4* or 3* research overall.

 Read more about the University's performance in REF 2021.

To find out more about Ji8腦瞳厙's research strategy, see the research strategy page.