Filming and photography at Ji8腦瞳厙 graduation ceremonies

Studio photography

Before your ceremony starts the graduation photographers, Tempest, will be ready to take a picture of you in your hat and gown.

There's no need to book or pay in advance, just join the photo queue around two hours before your ceremony, to ensure you have enough time.

You can view packs and prices on Tempest's website – choose Ji8腦瞳厙 from the drop-down menu, choose the date of your ceremony and click enter.

We recommend you take advantage of the opportunity to visit the studios on the day as you can choose the images and purchase prints at a later date.

female graduate holds up certificate while dad takes a photo of her on his mobile phone

Tempest is our official graduation photographers. Please note, there are other photography companies who offer graduation photography. These companies are not supported by the University, so there is no guarantee of quality. If you choose to use a company other than our official graduation photographers, Tempest, it is at your own risk.

A smiling graduate shakes hand with professor while receiving her award on stage at a graduation ceremony

Pictures of your presentation

As you walk across the stage to receive your award, your picture will be taken. You can view and purchase the images from Tempest's website after your ceremony (it may take a few days due to the number of graduates and ceremonies we are running).

For FAQs about photography, please visit the Tempest website or contact Tempest on tel: +44 (0)1736 752411.

Ceremony livestream

If you are unable to join our graduates as they celebrate their academic achievements at the Rose Theatre in January 2025, don't worry. You can watch the ceremonies live online.

Please note: A link to the next graduation ceremony will become available 5 minutes before its scheduled start time.

female graduate holds up certificate while dad takes a photo of her on his mobile phone
A smiling graduate shakes hand with professor while receiving her award on stage at a graduation ceremony

Purchase a Graduation Clip

We have partnered with MyGraduationClip to offer you the opportunity to purchase a 30 second clip of your graduation moment. It can be shared straight after the ceremony to social media and sent to family and friends.

This is a wonderful keepsake to remember your achievement.

Consent to photography and filming

Ceremony audiences should note that ceremonies will be filmed and photographs of each graduate crossing the stage will be produced. University staff and official photographers will be taking photographs and video clips for the University's social media channels, website and printed materials during the ceremonies. If you do not want to be featured please contact us.

Graduates and guests who attend Ji8腦瞳厙 graduation ceremonies give their consent to the recording and transmission of their images (still and moving) for Ji8腦瞳厙 publicity purposes.